Loneliness. Patience.

He walks slowly on the evening street, a low fog has settled on road below. There is a slight, cool, breeze that compliments the fog that seems to chill to the bone. Walking slowly by himself, he wonders, will it be like this forever? How long will this wait be? There is so much longing for the one that will complete. There are many feelings that cannot be shared until that day comes. How will he know when the right one has come? Previously, feelings that have been so strong, so sure, have failed him. The life that he has, and wants to share, has been denied. The cool breeze brings him back to the hill he is walking up. This night is like any other night, but the feelings are much stronger tonight. Loneliness. How much longer?

There is another though, one who has caught his eye. This girl is different. She has a simple, genuine elegance which shows her beautiful maturity; that compliments her outer beauty. She could show him that loneliness is only a stage in this life. Can she be trusted? Patience. That is what is required for this stage. There is still much to be learned in this period, rushing anything would bring disaster. Impatience has brought much pain. That is not an option.

The heart is a deceitful thing which has lied to him in the past. The desires of companionship and fulfillment that have haunted him for so long have been twisted by his heart. He is unable to trust his heart completely. Too much pain has resulted in the past from that trust.

Loneliness. It isn’t because of a lack of friends for him. It is because he desires someone to pour into, a companion to share life with. Patience. The timing isn’t right for this yet; these desires will be bottled up yet again, until he allows himself to become vulnerable. Vulnerability becomes a scary thing for him because of past events. Vulnerability has yielded nothing but an aching heart that has been ripped open again and again. Trust which has been given has been broken too many times for him to count.

These desires are not wrong, but they are not ready to be satisfied. Frustration is still what inhabits his mind and core of his being. Why must these feelings be denied? Trust in one who knows what life holds in store is crucial. He needs to rest in the peace that the one who knows all, knows this as well. Questions will always be there, but trust in the creator of life will bring the answers, and the patience to wait for them.

we just battle ourselves

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”  —  Mahatma Gandhi

I have been burnt time and time again by church organizations.  I develop websites, shoot photographs and do design work, and I trust churches and church organizations again and again in regards to finances. In the end, I find out that what they preach and what they practice are two different things.  Do I want to wear the name “Christian” and be associated with these people?

On the other hand there are churches and church organizations who are the model clients, bills paid on time, not trying to take advantage of people.  They model Christ in the business world in a way that is pleasing.  I enjoy being associated with these Christians that actually display Christ’s love.

Why does the Church attack itself?  What is the difference?  Why are there differences?

yup. this is it.

this is the update that i’ve been needing to give this blog for a bit and so here it goes.  i got back from newfoundland about two to three weeks ago, and had a great time while i was there.  i took quite a few photographs which some are still being processed, but i have a smartset up on zooomr that will keep you up to date.

currently, there’s fifty one photos, and a few more will probably be on their way.

i am now working for the summer, from seven pm to seven am at first quality.  yes, i am working in a diaper factory.  the hours are long, but it’s a job for the summer, so i am content with it.

i’ve been shooting quite a bit recently, and have been continuing hdr techniques to emphasize colours, contrasts and clarity.  i upload all the photos which i find intriguing and worth while to my photostream on zooomr.  if you are curious, i encourage you to go check it out and let me know what you think.

i also twitter quite frequently which will let you know what i am up to in between blog posts.  twitter is a micro-blogging application which brings people together via cell phones, im and web pages.

recently, i have begun using flock again and have found it to be quite useful for aggregating social networks.  it also has an element called “media streams” which i absolutely love.  it makes sharing content easy without having to copy links or code or whatever.

yesterday i setup a photoshelter account to hopefully begin selling some of the photos that i have taken.  if you are interested in buying a print, feel free to look there, or just shoot me an email.

and for the people who read all the way to the bottom of this post, here is a photo that i took, hi-res.

until next time, i wish the best to all.

march break

i’m home on march break and have not done any work yet. i will start my inductive…tomorrow. haha. anyway it’s been good to be home and get some sleep and not be freaking out about papers and projects every day. i guess you could say relaxing is relaxing?

i’ve been thinking quite a bit lately about my plans for the future. don’t worry, nothing is changing, but i am trying to define what exactly those plans are. a specification, if you will, of priorities. yeah deep/weird. just what has been on my mind.

in other news, i love hillsong united. i’ve been watching their dvd’s lately, “savior king” and “united we stand”. both are top notch productions and very solid musically.

i twitter quite frequently so if you are a stalker and want up to the minute details of my life, you can have it delivered to your phone. haha

that’s about it for now…i’ve loaded a few new pics up to the zooomr, so you should check that out fo sho

have a great night all


your memory remains